Product development
Green Diamond Tires are an Icelandic
invention. The patent for the production method is held by New Industries
Ltd, of Reykjav�k, Iceland.
In 1995 New Industries Ltd developed a
highly sophisticated technique for mixing hard
silicium carbide granules into the material compound of a tire tread. The
now internationally patented production process is now at mass
production levels for the Northern European market.
The patented technique is licensed for use by several progressive producers of tires
in the
manufacture of the Green Diamond Tire.
The high standards of performance of Green Diamond Tires are based on the
thousands of small sharp-edged
granules making firm contact with the icy road surfaces, giving them
superior traction without the
hammering and damaging effect of studded tires.
Green Diamond Tires eliminate the two serious drawbacks of studded tires, road wear
and noise emission. This is achieved while maintaining control effectiveness in slippery
conditions and prolonging the wear of the tire.
The success of Green Diamond Tires is confirmed in Iceland by a
rapid increase in market share, reaching 10% for winter tires in competition with studded
tires and other brands of winter tires.

In Sweden the production has increased from
3,000 tires in 1998-99 to 15,000 in 1999-2000 and is expected to exceed 70,000 in the
2006-2007 winter season.
What is a
Green Diamond Tire?
In manufacturing a Green Diamond Tire, the
granules are distributed evenly throughout the rubber. This infusion of the granules
throughout the tires wear surface ensures that as the tire wears down and granules
are worn away, new ones are uncovered. Green Diamond Tires are particularly suitable for
use with vehicles equipped with anti-lock braking systems (ABS), with
superior, scientifically-proven performance against any other tires with in the most difficult
of slippery conditions, around 0�C.
Diamond Tires are environmentally responsible. Using only premium
quality casings, each 'donor' casing is exhaustingly examined using
sophisticated test and inspection instruments and equipment.
Use of Green
Diamond Tires
Green Diamond Tires are produced in both winter patterns
and all-season patterns (light truck only). For use in areas with heavy snow, the winter patterns are more
suitable and for regions with less snow but more ice on the roads, all-season
tread patterns are generally better suited.
Green Diamond Tires must be 'run-in' by driving
1,500 to 2,000 miles on clear, dry roads. It is during this driving
period that the silicium carbide granules will begin to emerge. To
protect the manufacturing equipment, Green Diamond Tires have a thin veneer
of ungranulated tread rubber molded over the granules, which wears off in use.
As the Green Diamond Tire wears, some of the visible
granules fall out of the tire and new granules appear.
This feature is a main benefit and attribute of Green Diamond Tires
since the granules enhance the pattern as the performance of the pattern itself decreases
with wear.
This applies particularly to studded tires; tests show that
after 10,000 km on the road a studded tire has lost 85% of it's added properties.